Симулятор артериального давления для вашего развлечения, чтобы получить забавную шутку с уникальным, более точным применением розыгрышей - обязательно нужно для прохождения
Blood pressure simulator for your amusement to have fun prank with your friends
New Unique, more accurate Prank Application - A must have for the concerned!
Please Note: Usage of this simulator application requires precision due to sensitivity of its category.
It simulates your blood pressure in two steps with appx. ±100%
● Step 1: Select gender
● Step 2: Place your one finger on the complete camera touching its flash light at the same time
● At the same time as in step No. 2 place your finger gently on the finger mark and wait for more than 15 seconds. For more accurate results hold it as much as possible by sitting stationary on the chair.
"Blood pressure" is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.
It is advisable to keep a track of BP levels throughout the day.
Thus we have developed simulator that simulates BP in a convenient way to keep you reminding to calculate your blood pressure
● Simulate Systolic and Diastolic Blood pressures quickly.
● Small and easy to use application.
● Symptoms and tips to help you keep your blood pressure in control.
Keywords: Blood pressure simulator, prank with your friends
Disclaimer: Based on a novel approach, and huge ensemble average this application is just meant to give you a simulated hint of BP measurements. Simulated values and original readings vary person to person based on their BMI and eating habits. Distance between the camera and camera flash may add small error in the simulated results. It is advisable to measure from real monitoring device as this application just gives you simulated results which can be used as a prank. This application requires little expertise to operate. Please read all instructions carefully. Have a safe life.
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